Our ashram offers Tantra in a traditional ashram setting. We are happy to spread the light of Tantra, while simultaneously maintaining and emphasizing the gradual process. Building the foundation by starting from the physical body and purifying all layers of one’s being, one gradually gains a subtler experience as different techniques are applied on top.
Tantra means ‘to liberate oneself from the bondage of life through the expansion of energy”. We strongly believe that Tantra can only be successful if this energy is in service of the higher consciousness, and therefore we emphasize the purification process through karma yoga (selfless service), bhakti yoga (devotion) and jnana yoga (knowledge of the true Self).
Join us for a journey that embraces the transformative power of Tantra at Shanti Yoga Ashram, your sanctuary for the best tantra yoga training in Nepal.
Yogi Prakash, the founder and chairman of Shanti Yoga Ashram, began studying yoga at the age of 12. He practiced and gained his Tantra Yoga Wisdom from Bihar Yoga University.
Returning to Nepal, the land of Tantra, he deepened his knowledge by studying Kundalini and Tantra yoga with Swami Shivalingam for the next twelve years. He also lived in and volunteered with various projects for three years at an ashram dedicated to helping children, and introduced yoga to the Ashram by teaching classes.
Preserving Ancient Tantra Yoga: A Path To Spiritual Wisdom
Co-founder of Shanti Yoga Ashram and naturopathic doctor, begain her study of yoga at Bihar School of Yoga in 2001. She then continued studying under the guidance Swami Shivalingham.
Born into a yogi family, she grew up in the Shanti Yoga Ashram, living Shiva’s teachings right from the start: transformation, meditation, and the destruction of ego and ignorance.
Guru Yogi Prakash founder and chairman of Shanti Yoga Ashram
The Guru and Ashram family invite people from all over the world to practice sadhana together with them, to grow together as a community.
30 Days
Machhegaun, Chandragiri, Kathmandu, Nepal.
30 Days
Machhegaun, Chandragiri, Kathmandu, Nepal. Inquiry:info@shantiyogaashram.com
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